MacBook Pro到手配置
MacBook Pro 到手配置
14’ | M1 Pro | 32G | 512GB
- Hot corner
- 程序坞的大小与缩小
- Apple Watch 解锁
- 触控板手势
- iCloud 设置
- 桌面使用叠放
- finder 显示状态栏
- Productivity
- Microsoft Series
- Office 365
- Outlook
- Edge
- OneDrive
- Todo
- Information Manager
- ( I ) Cubox
- ( K / W ) Obsidian
- UI
- Xmind
- Sketch
- Microsoft Series
- Enhancement
- Raycast
- Stats
- AIDente
- Mos
- Rectangle
- Developer
- Homebrew ,
- VS code
- Tongyi Lingma
- Markdown All in One
- Wakatime
- Terminal
- item2 + ayu // Warp
- Zsh-syntax-highlighting
- Zsh-autosuggestions
- Fzf with vim plugin
- vimrc + vim plug
- tabnine by coc.nvim
- Java
- JDK by SDKman
- JetBrains IDEA
- Go
- brew install golang
- go proxy setup
- Goland
- Entermaint
- Maipo
- ⭐️ MAC 常用软件清单 | 国光
- Macbook环境配置(含M1) (
- Mac 环境(M1 + Monterey) | 前端指南 (
- 学生党M1 Mac入门指北_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- Mac Tutorial for Beginners - Switching from Windows to macOS - YouTube
最后修改于 2022-02-10